Java1-Based Tensegrity Viewer: Revision History

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13Jun08 Code revision mostly to remove odd ThreeDClient approach. Now userMessages are exceptional, and so a popup notifier is used to report them. Other than that, no user changes.
10Jun08 Code revision so file parsing code is not duplicated across viewers. No user changes, but and are new files.
06Jun08 Now initializes menu from a manifest file in the models directory. This should make maintenance a little easier.
03Jun08 Change "Aspension Tower" label to "Aspension Tower (Marcus)" so it is clearer that Jan Marcus is the author of this design. Re-order the aspensions so the towers come first. Label the tetrahedrons with their authors, and re-order to match order in VRML viewer. Swap data between ttetra.dat and ttetra2.dat so their names correspond to VRML viewer.
19May08 Add "Aspension Tower II" and "Aspension Canary". Change "Aspension Skylon" to "Aspension Skylon II" and refer to another data file. "Aspension Tower" now refers to data for Jan's original structure, and "Aspension Tower II" refers to my variation.
10Mar08 Add "Aspension Skylon".
26Dec07 Add "Split-Level Prism II" and "Tetrahedral Prisms". Rename "Diamond-Shaped Tensegrity" as "Diamond-Shaped Prisms" and "Split-Level Prism" as "Split-Level Prism I".
07Dec07 New data files for "Wishbone Tensegrity" and "Diamond-Shaped Tensegrity".
21Nov07 Add "Split-Level Prism", "Wishbone Tensegrity" and "Diamond-Shaped Tensegrity".
11Sep07 Add "Aspension Tower".
17Aug07 New data for "Perspective Prism" (plumper -- ends more circular).
15Aug07 Add "3-Stage X-Module Column".
13Aug07 Add "Dodecahedron with X-Column Edges".
29Jun07 Change "Val Gómez module" to "Gómez Jáuregui module".
16Feb07 Add "Perspective Prism".
10Aug06 Minor code changes -- close open streams after using.
01Aug06 Reduce size from 700x700 to 600x600.
13Jul06 Minor code changes in Call it "Java1-Based Tensegrity Viewer" rather than "Java-Based Tensegrity Viewer".
12Jul06 Redo the representation and interface for A new (roughly based on javax.vecmath.Tuple3d) is created as part of these changes. Reorganize code in
16Jun06 Introduce the Java3D viewer more accurately. In 2v Octa Sphere (variation), note that the variation only appears in the Java3D-Based Tensegrity Viewer. Edit the titles a bit for consistency. Removed duplicate vertices from model data. Removed unused vertices as I noticed them. Changed files with "java.dat" header to header with actual name. Thanks to Tim Tyler for bringing the duplicate vertices to my attention.
14Jun06 Have link to models directory reference new index file.
12Jun06 Tweaks to Java code to increase similarity to Java3D version.
06Jun06 Draw lines that straddle the halfway point in two colors (half normal and half faded). Minor revisions to usage instructions. For the three non-tensegrity structures that have members colored like struts ("Tetrahedron", "Tetrahelix" and "Double Tetrahelix"), change the type from 1 to 7. Reduce max magnification to 8X.
01Jun06 Allow magnification up to 12X. Moderate the drag rotation as the magnification increases.
31May06 Implement drag scrolling.
30May06 Polish up internals. Fix it so bringing Scrollbar back to the bottom results in 1.0X magnification (it was a little over before -- magnification couldn't be completely undone -- forgot to adjust for the bubble).
29May06 Adapt mouse-drag-driven rotation to new interface for matrix3d (now uses arot() instead of set()).
26May06 Substitute mouse-drag-driven rotation for the clunky scrollbar-driven rotation. Increase the size of the applet area from 600x600 to 700x700.
17Apr06 Add "2v Icosa Sphere" and put "Octa" adjective on labels for all the other double-layer domes and spheres. Describe the format of the data files.
15Mar06 Add "Emmerich's Prism". Change "3-Fold Emmerich-Style Prism" to "Emmerich's Prism (variation)".
13Mar06 Add "Tensegrity Tetrahedron 2", "T-Tetra 2 (variation)" and "Tensegrity Tetrahedron 3".
08Feb06 Add "Skew Prism Arch".
07Feb06 Add "Bouncy Mast (spiraling)" and "Bouncy Mast (alternating)".
31Jan06 Add "T-Cuboctahedron".
27Jan06 Add "Skew Tensegrity".
30Dec05 Add "Octahelix".
27Dec05 Add "Thirteen Great Circles".
06Dec05 Add a couple skew 5-prisms. Rename "Helix" and "Double Helix" to "Tetrahelix" and "Double Tetrahelix" respectively (thanks to Tim Tyler for pointing out the terminology deficiency).
21Nov05 Add "Twelve-Stage Torus".
20Oct05 Add "8-Stage Zig-Zag Arch" and "Tensegrity Tetrahedron".
05Oct05 Note that the Java 3D version does display the interlayer tendons for the double-layer tensegrities and that now even this version displays them for the 10ν Sphere.
04Oct05 Link to Java 3D version and introduce it.
21Sep05 Remove deprecated API constructs. Note that, except for the 4ν Dome, interlayer tendons aren't drawn for the double-layer tensegrities.
20Sep05 Consolidate and into Remove import directive from that javac 1.4.2 didn't like and use static initialization for Model3D.m_colors[].
09Sep05 Use a jar instead of all the classes. Increase applet size from 500x500 to 600x600.
06Sep05 In the initial comment for the file, indicate where a description of the data file format can be found.
17Aug05 Rename "Wheel (Val Gómez module)" as "Wheel I (Val Gómez module)". Add "Wheel II (Val Gómez module)".
15Aug05 Add "Wheel (Val Gómez module)".
22Jul05 Remove user messages regarding buffer update. Remove obsolete advice on viewing strategy for slow machine.
18Jul05 Extract relevant portions from here and put into VRML Tensegrity Models: Revision History.
07Jul05 Change back link from ../../index.htm to ../../index.html. Link to "models" subdirectory. Change bad link text and link from to
28Mar05 Add 3-Fold Orthogonal Prism, 3-Fold Emmerich-Style Prism, 6-Fold Ortho-Girdled Prism, Three 6-Fold Prisms Merged, Skew Eight-Prism, X-Module Bean Teepee, X-Module Torus 1, X-Module Torus 2, 4-Fold Obelisk and X-Module Arch to models. Tune HTML.
23Mar04 Spell "webiste" more conventionally in email subject.
03Mar04 Add back links to revision history. Add link to Synergetics Gallery. Add back link to 2v Sphere.
16Apr03 Substitute revised data for "4v Diamond Tetra (aligned)".
23Nov00 Add "4v Diamond Tetra (aligned)". For a static rendering and description, see Tensegrity Tetrahedron with Aligned Struts.
17Sep00 Polish HTML.
21Jun99 Note color of tensegrity struts in viewer introduction. Remove tomato cage. Revise model data for first obelisk. Add second obelisk.
15Jun99 Start revision file. Add prisms, bean teepee, tomato cage and truncated octahedron to models.

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