Java2D-Based Tensegrity Viewer: Revision History

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13Jun2008 Code revision mostly to remove odd ThreeDClient approach. Now userMessages are exceptional, and so a popup notifier is used to report them. Other than that, no user changes.
10Jun2008 Code revision so file parsing code is not duplicated across viewers. No user changes, but and are new files.
09Jun2008 Minor change to
06Jun2008 Now initializes menu from a manifest file in the models directory. This should make maintenance a little easier.
03Jun2008 Change "Aspension Tower" label to "Aspension Tower (Marcus)" so it is clearer that Jan Marcus is the author of this design. Re-order the aspensions so the towers come first. Label the tetrahedrons with their authors, and re-order to match order in VRML viewer. Swap data between ttetra.dat and ttetra2.dat so their names correspond to VRML viewer.
19May2008 Add "Aspension Tower II" and "Aspension Canary". Change "Aspension Skylon" to "Aspension Skylon II" and refer to another data file. "Aspension Tower" now refers to data for Jan's original structure, and "Aspension Tower II" refers to my variation.
10Mar2008 Add "Aspension Skylon".
26Dec2007 Add "Split-Level Prism II" and "Tetrahedral Prisms". Rename "Diamond-Shaped Tensegrity" as "Diamond-Shaped Prisms" and "Split-Level Prism" as "Split-Level Prism I".
07Dec2007 New data files for "Wishbone Tensegrity" and "Diamond-Shaped Tensegrity".
21Nov2007 Add "Split-Level Prism", "Wishbone Tensegrity" and "Diamond-Shaped Tensegrity".
11Sep2007 Add "Aspension Tower".
17Aug2007 New data for "Perspective Prism" (plumper -- ends more circular).
15Aug2007 Add "3-Stage X-Module Column".
13Aug2007 Add "Dodecahedron with X-Column Edges".
29Jun2007 Change "Val Gómez module" to "Gómez Jáuregui module".
16Feb2007 Add "Perspective Prism".
29Dec2006 Insignificant code changes to
10Aug2006 Minor code changes -- close open streams after using.
09Aug2006 Minor code changes.
03Aug2006 Minor code change. Having backward compatibility issues with JDK 1.5.06. Something about a major-minor revision incompatibility (49 instead of 48?). Compiling using -target and -source options seems to help.
01Aug2006 Use Swing GUI and decrease the size from 700x700 to 600x600. Using JComponent instead of Canvas seems to enhance the performance.
24Jul2006 Allow color to be turned on and off.
17Jul2006 Round off the strut ends. Code changes to
14Jul2006 Implement solution to the inversion problem due to the primitive depth-sorting procedure. Add check boxes so anti-aliasing can be turned on and off.
13Jul2006 Preliminary release. Seems usable, but needs work.

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