Jitterbug: Revision History

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08Jul08 Rewrite the JitterbugController code so the device-independent model information is isolated in a class called JitterbugModel instead of being mixed up in JitterbugGeometry. The latter has been renamed to JitterbugRenderer. Some confusion about the radius of the jitterbug (1.0 -- which makes scaling much easier) was also cleared up.
12Jul07 Move Val's thoughts on Spanish to the new Internationalization section of Definition and Classification of Tensegrities. Add nl to the list of current localities.
29Jun07 Change "Gómez" to "Gómez Jáuregui". Mention his book.
28Feb07 Enhance Java code. No user changes.
30Aug06 Add Dutch translations courtesy of Jan Marcus.
08Aug06 Talk more about software organization and patterns and correct some mis-statements. Clarify statement about stand-alone app option. Make capitalization consistent. Other minor edits. Minor software revisions with no effect on behavior.
05Aug06 Simplify the code a bit and add an "Animate" button (revising documentation accordingly and edit it further to clarify it).
03Aug06 Use Swing for GUI and Java2D for graphics instead of AWT. Reduce size of app and applet from 700x700 to 600x600.
29May06 Substitute drag-driven rotation for scrollbar-driven rotation.
21Nov05 Incorporate suggestions of Val's boss for "de" locale.
31Oct05 Remove semi-useless magnify facility, move rotate bar south and make y axis default rotation axis. Add extra lines for the vector equilibrium stage. Revise documentation accordingly. Add note about three-tier style of Java implementation, and correct information about appearance of additional lines and function where jitterbug math is found. Other minor code changes.
27Oct05 Minor code revisions.
24Oct05 Correct help text for de locale (part was in Spanish).
21Oct05 Revise Spanish locale (es) translations according to suggestions by Val Gómez.
17Oct05 Minor code revisions.
14Oct05 New graphic approach replaces wireframe rendering with rendering using solid triangles. JavaPicture.java renamed to JavaController.java. Extensive reworking of code in this file to simplify and organize.
13Oct05 Get rid of deprecated constructs (though Toggle still calls Thread.stop()). Work around situation where programmatically set choices activate the appropriate listeners (a bug in a Java implementation I think).
16Sep05 Add simple help window and i18n (de, en, es, fr).
15Sep05 Gather classes into Java archive. Merge JitterbugViewerApplet.java and JitterbugViewerPgm.java into a single multi-purpose file, JitterbugViewer.java. Enlarge applet and program from 550x550 to 700x700.
01Sep05 Add paragraph describing history of my work and link to VRML version of the animation.
13Jan05 Add some references on the Jitterbug Transformation. Thanks to Joe Moore for the referral to Your Private Sky.
03Mar04 Add another back link to revision history. Remove "C++" from keywords.
21Sep00 Polished HTML.
07Sep99 Increased applet dimensions by 10% to keep Choice bars from disappearing.
19May99 Started revision file. Amended usage instructions to note that invoking "Animate" twice or more in succession will speed up the animation.

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